When he does it it makes you smile, doesn’t it? However, he is not trying to appeal to your soft-heartedness with this gesture. We can tell you why your dog tilts his head, according to the science.

How to prevent anxiety due to separation
Dog Care
September is the month for going back to school, back to work and the normal routines. For dogs it is their time for being left alone at home and some of them are unable to manage the stress caused by the feeling of being abandoned. As a result, they suffer anxiety on being separated from the person to whom they feel attached. We give you some ideas on how to prevent it.

What does it mean when your dog licks you?
Lamer es una forma de mostrar afecto, aunque no es el único motivo por el que lo hace. Te contamos las claves para que entiendas mejor a tu perro cuando lame.

Do all dogs know how to swim?
We can tell you which are the best and the poorest swimmers and give you some advice on helping your dog to swim better.

Hints on how to keep your dog cool in the summer
Dog Care
Dogs regulate their body temperature differently from the way we do it. It's important to know when your dog is too hot and here are some ways to keep him cool in the summer.

Facts and fables about the dog’s sense of smell
Did you know that although a dog can detect hypoglycaemia, malaria and some types of cancer, the animal with the finest sense of smell in the world is the African elephant?

5 advantages of taking your dog to work
Who doesn’t want to avoid having to be separated from their four-footed friend to go to work? There are still not many companies that have a pet friendly policy, but there are some. We tell you about the 5 main advantages.

How to travel safely by car with the dog and without surprises
It doesn’t need to be summer. Simply the arrival of a bit of heat is enough for urban dwellers to drive out en masse to relax and enjoy a change of air. Especially now that there are more pet friendly places. Is this your picture? We tell you all you need to know about travelling safely with your dog in the car.

Fruit and vegetables that dogs cannot eat and why
Rewarding your dog with fruit or vegetables occasionally is fine, but not all of them are good for him. We tell you which he mustn’t be allowed to eat and why.

Travelling by air with your dog: everything you need to know
If you are thinking about travelling by air with your dog, it is essential that you first find out how this kind of transport works. Although there are more and more companies that are pet friendly, it is true that there is still a lot to do. There are lots of things you must deal with if you want to travel by air and take your dog with you.